Misconceptions About Being a Good Content Writer

In the content writing profession, there are several theories trying to point to a good writer – some of which are false. This brings us to the question, what makes a good writer?

This is quite hard to answer as there are several factors that build a great content writer. If you are in such a hurdle there is no need to stress. Highlighted below are some of the misconceptions you should eliminate about being a good content writer.


  1. The Repetition Factor

Repetition is very common in the content writing field. It may be your redeeming factor or what pulls you down as a content writer. The essence in this situation is how you use the repetition style.  In most cases, repetition is a shunned practice that creates redundancy in your piece.

As a good content creator, you can use repetition to make your material clearer. Here, repetition can be a source of emphasis if used in the right way. You should pay attention to the wording and structuring to avoid redundancy.

If you overlook the word structure, you may end up with repetitive words and sentences. This can be boring to your audience.


  1.     What About Content Length

Great content? Check. Relevance? Check. But why is the content’s SEO ranking poor? An answer to this query might be the length of your content. Yes, the content length really matters when it comes to ranking on search engine optimization techniques.

There are things to put into consideration like the bounce and conversion rate, and relevance. Your content’s length should be impressive enough to address the subject in question.

Long or short content, how do I go with my content? This is a critical question that depends on your audience and what you are trying to pass.

If it is deep content meant to answer your audience’s questions, spare no effort in giving the full explanation. This will leave your audience satisfied and can boost the conversion rate.

At times, short content is the way to go. There are audiences that want to get to the main point and long material can bore them.

In this case, you need to know your audience and understand their preferences. If they want in-depth content, create long articles and the converse if they prefer shorter material.


  1.       Readers Care about You

Do my readers care about me? If you are new to the content writing scene, a yes can be an encouragement. However, the truth is that the readers’ concern is on the material at hand. You may be a good writer but your audience does not care about you, rather the information that you pass.

The bottom line is, content writing is purely business. If you get emotional about it, then you are the one to lose. Your main target is to satisfy your audience, with the expectation that they will not care about your identity.

Back to the main question, readers will care about you as long as your content is relevant to them. In short, come up with great content and your audience may be willing to know who is behind the scenes.


  1.     Content Writing is Simple 

One of the main misconceptions about writing is that it is a simple affair. For an experienced individual, it may be simple but this is not always the case. Some may get into the scene assuming that everything is simple; hence, they ignore the basics of content writing.

While the entire concept of content writing may seem simple, it is not. Some of the factors to pay attention to, include grammar, sentence structures and relevance. The last part of relevance is one that many novice writers overlook, ending up with low-quality content.

An advice to those seeking to get into this field is to pay attention to the topic and the audience’s needs.


  1.     Good Content Always Sells

Writing good content does not guarantee that it will always sell. A content writer should always bear in mind that they are not the only ones with good material on a particular subject. However unique your content may be, there is always a possibility that your competition has the best. Therefore, relying on the uniqueness of your article to make it sell may disappoint you.

For your content to sell, you have to back it up with an effective marketing strategy.


  1.     Using ‘Big Words’ Impresses

You may think that using big words may impress your audience. However, this may not be the case as people relate with what they understand.

Big words may not make a difference, rather, they may work against you. When crafting your content, simplicity will rule.

It is a mistake many novice writers make in an attempt to appear sophisticated. It is a wrong approach, which means you overlook your clients so that you appear more experienced judging by your language. You won’t pass your message effectively, leaving your content redundant.


  1. My SEO Strategy Will Always Work

If you know about SEO strategies, you know how critical they are when it comes to marketing your material. While the strategies are viable, it does not mean that they will always work. There are several variables in the market to be keen with, like trends and relevance.

If you miss any of these factors, you may be on the losing side. What is the move to pull in such a situation? Here, you need to be very keen on the strategy you pick, having a deeper analysis on how it will fare.

You should expect any situation with your approach as it is not a guarantee that it will be successful.


Final Word

There are several misconceptions in content writing, which may derail upcoming content writers. This article comes through to help beat the unproven theories. Follow the message that it passes to help you craft your art and be one of the best content creators. A thing to keep in mind is that content writing is not easy. It  requires experience and resilience for you to be the best.