10 Tips to Become a Good Content Writer

content writing

For many people writing is easy, it is fun and you can learn a lot from the subjects you write about. But to make a living at writing, you have to be good. There is a lot of competition out there and your writing style and quality must rise to the top of the pile to be noticed.

Keep in mind that as you go down this career path, there will always be someone who is willing to do it faster and cheaper than you. Their quality may not be good but to save a few pennies, many clients sacrifice quality.

The following tips should help you get on the right path to becoming a very good writer. Once you do your quality and good reputation will help you get more jobs than those who will do it cheaper than you.

How to Become a Good Writer

#1. Begin to read great writers. This may sound like a waste of time but if you do not read better writers than yourself, you won’t know how to create great content. You need to learn how to write well before you can write well.

When you read, read a lot while paying attention to the mechanics, the style, and the high-quality content.

#2. Practice! Practice! Practice! Writing is like anything else. You have to do it a lot to get better at it. When you are learning to play an instrument, you can practice between 1 to 2 hours a day or more if you really love to play.

The same attitude is needed for writing. The more you practice the more you can eliminate mistakes and improve your style and content at the same time.

#3. Know your native language well. Most content writing sites hire good native English writers. While there are writing sites for other languages, the majority of these sites work in English.

That means you need to know English grammar, spelling, sentence structure like a native. If you are not already a native English speaker and writer. Clients & readers do notice the mistakes made by those who do not meet this requirement and you could lose out on more work if your writing is not meeting their expectations.

#4. Create a writing ritual & take notes. Pick the same time each day where you can write without distractions and interruptions. Then stick to that schedule and when you are not writing, keep a notebook handy to write down ideas that come to your mind when you are doing something else.

That practice will help you if you are writing fiction material. It is easier to remember plot twists etc. when they are written down over trying to use your memory.

#5. Get rid of distractions. By that, you should find a place that is quiet, away from the television set and other entertainment devices. Then turn off notifications for YouTube, social media sites, e-mail, and anything else that will take you away from writing and disturb your concentration.

Earplugs help a lot and keep a lot of other noise out as you work.

#6. Plan your writing. Sometimes you can just sit down and write something out and that depends on the niche you are working in. But sometimes it is just best to plan what you are going to write.

Thinking about the topics you are working on while you do your exercises, make breakfast and so on, helps you get organized and get your thoughts together. When you do that, it is easier to write well.

#7. Create your own style. It is tempting to emulate all the great writers you have read but that is their style and it may not be yours. Experiment a bit to see what style is yours or to create your own style.

The more you have your own style the easier it is to write. Also, you will face less criticism and fewer accusations than you would if you emulated a great writer.

#8. Learn to revise and be concise. Mistakes happen and you need to go over your work and smooth out the content so it is readable and enjoyable. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. Just correct and learn from them and move on with your new improved style.

Plus, no one wants to read wordy sentences. Learn how to say the same thing in a better, shorter way. that will hold your reader’s attention longer and keep them interested in what you wrote.

#9. Adjust your sentence length and terminology. To make your sentences have a stronger impact use more powerful words and keep the sentences shorter. But vary your sentences. Even powerful sentences can get tiresome and boring if you keep using the same thing over and over.

At this time also strive to be conversational. This style helps bring across a nice, friendly attitude and that helps your readers relax more and read longer.

#10. Get feedback. Let others read your work and then provide you with some constructive criticism. As long as the criticism is constructive, you can learn and improve on your writing.

Do not be offended or upset when criticism comes, not everyone will like what you write or how you say it. Grow a tough skin to make sure you can see the good points and ignore the bad comments.

Some Final Words

Writing takes time to develop. Not everyone is a gifted writer and even though you may think you are good, there is always room for improvement. Be open to improvement, be flexible, and do not give up.

The moment you quit, you lose and that is not your goal. Also, be patient as it will take time to become a good writer. Good writers are made, not born and the process to become a good writer will be filled with bumps and hurdles as well as challenges.

If you can overcome them all, then you will be a good content writer.