Search for Writers

Method for search writers.

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token: (Access Token) - Required
login - Writer Username
keywords - Keywords in Profile
cb_login - Use username in search, by default 'on'
cb_keywords - Use keywords in search , by default empty
rating - Overall Rating, values from 1 to 10
writer_level_id - Writer Experience Level
Available values:
5 - Beginner Writers - Any writer will do
6 - General Writers - At least 3 jobs completed with an overall rating of 4 stars or above
7 - Skilled Writers - At least 7 jobs completed with an overall rating of 4.1 stars or above
8 - At least 12 jobs completed with an overall rating of 4.6 stars or above
language - Language
Available values:
en - English-American
en_GB - English-British
rejection_rate_other - Rejection Rate, the percentage of rejected jobs by the client
rejection_rate - condition of rejection rate percent
Available values:
1 - Less than
2 - Equal to
3 - More than
jobs_completed_other - Jobs Completed, the amount of jobs the writer submitted and the client accepted
jobs_completed - condition of jobs completed
Available values:
1 - Less than
2 - Equal to
3 - More than
jobs_rejected_other - Jobs Rejected, the amount of jobs that the writer submitted but the client rejected
jobs_rejected - condition of jobs rejected
Available values:
1 - Less than
2 - Equal to
3 - More than
category - Article Speciality, for get available values, call this method
industry - Industry Experience, for get available values, call this method
country - Writer Country
Available values:
AU - Australia
CA - Canada
NZ - New Zealand
GB - United Kingdom
US - United States of America
page - Page number
limit - Limit per page


JSON Object - Writers List